Nice attack: French front pages stunned by Bastille Day horror

  • According to BBC News
  • From the section Europe

Compilation of French Headlines
Front pages from newspapers across France are dominated by the attack in Nice, in which a lorry was driven through crowds celebrating Bastille Day, killing more than 80 people. Powerful images show the aftermath and the bullet-riddled vehicle.

Le Figaro Front Page
National newspaper Le Figaro shows police at the scene and leads with the headline "New horror". "Eight months after the Paris attacks, terrorists have a new way to strike France," the paper says.

Front page of Le Monde newspaper

Le Monde, under the headline "Terror on 14 July", shows a simple, yet moving, image of an apparently grieving man sitting next to one of the attack's many victims.

Le Parisien front page
"Carnage in Nice" says local newspaper Nice-Matin, which devotes 10 pages to coverage of the attack and leads with a powerful image of the aftermath, showing a line of bodies in the path of the lorry. The paper has abandoned its usual blue masthead for one in black.

Image copyright Le Parisien
Le Parisien shows both the lorry and bodies lying in the street covered in blue sheets. The headline reads: "14 July: Horror in Nice".

La Provence front page
La Provence, from the southern city of Marseille, also shows a line of sheet-covered bodies with the simple headline "Horror" along with "Attack in Nice - France struck again".

Toulouse regional newspaper La Depeche du Midi shows the scene of the attack in daylight with the words "Nice: Horror and panic". It goes on to describe the chain of events which led to the carnage.

Front page of French Newspaper La Depeche
Le Voix du Nord, published in the northern city of Lille, says "14 July - Deadly in Nice... A truck drove into the crowd during fireworks".

La Voix Du Nord front page
Sud Ouest, from Bordeaux, shows the bullet-riddled lorry with the simple headline: "Horror again".

Sud Ouest front page
Reims-based L'Union leads with "Dozens killed in a truck attack in Nice", and calls it "a criminal attack of great magnitude".
News of the attack came too late in the evening for some French titles - Liberation led with stories on Boris Johnson and the war in Mali, although the attack was the top story on its website.
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