South Sudan: Clashes erupt in Juba hours after UN plea

  • 1 hour ago
  • From the section Africa
  • According to BBC news
  • South Sudanese watch Riek Machar on TV
Image caption Mr Machar spoke on television following renewed clashes in Juba
Renewed fighting has broken out in South Sudan between forces loyal to the president and vice-president.
A reporter in the capital, Juba, told the BBC gunfire and large explosions could be heard all over the city; he said heavy artillery was being used.
More than 200 people are reported to have died in clashes since Friday.
The latest violence came hours after the UN Security Council called on the warring factions to immediately stop the fighting.
In a unanimous statement, the council condemned the violence "in the strongest terms" and expressed "particular shock and outrage" at attacks on UN sites. It also called for additional peacekeepers to be sent to South Sudan.
Chinese media say two Chinese UN peacekeepers have now died in Juba. Several other peacekeepers have been injured, as well as a number of civilians who have been caught in crossfire.
The latest round of violence erupted when troops loyal to President Salva Kiir and first Vice-President Riek Machar began shooting at each other in the streets of Juba.
Media captionJapan's Ambassador to the United Nations, Koro Bessho: "The Security Council members urged an immediate end to the fighting"
Relations between the two men have been fractious since South Sudan won independence from Sudan in 2011.
Their forces have fought a civil war. But despite a peace deal last year ending the conflict, both sides retain their military capabilities and have continued to accuse each other of bad faith.
On Monday, there were reports of tanks on the streets of Juba and clashes close to the airport and UN camps sheltering civilians. The US embassy warned of "serious fighting" taking place.
A BBC correspondent in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, said it was not clear if Mr Kiir and Mr Machar remained in control of their forces.

'Under control'

A UN spokeswoman in Juba, Shantal Persaud, said fighting over the past few days had caused hundreds of internally displaced people to take refuge in UN premises.
She said both South Sudanese leaders were responsible for implementing last year's peace agreement, which included a permanent ceasefire and the deployment of forces away from Juba.
Information Minister Michael Makuei told the BBC that the situation in the city was "under full control" and civilians who had fled should return to their homes.
Mr Machar's military spokesman, Col William Gatjiath, accused officials loyal to the president of lying, and said there had been at least 10 hours of clashes on Sunday.
"The situation in South Sudan is uncontrollable because Salva Kiir and his followers are not ready to follow the peace agreement," he said.
Mr Machar (l) and Mr Kiir Image copyright AFP
Image caption Gunfire erupted shortly after Mr Machar (L) and Mr Kiir (R) met on Friday
In a statement on Sunday, the US state department said it strongly condemned the latest outbreak of fighting in Juba.
Spokesman John Kirby said Washington had ordered the departure of non-emergency personnel from the US embassy in Juba.
Mr Kiir and Mr Machar had met at the presidential palace on Friday and issued a call for calm.
Calm was apparently restored on Saturday but heavy gunfire broke out again on Sunday near a military barracks occupied by troops loyal to Mr Machar.
A US academic who studies Sudan, Eric Reeves, told the BBC Mr Machar was trying to orchestrate a coup against his rival, with the backing of President Omar Bashir of Sudan.
"This has been planned," he said. "That violence now seems to be part of a co-ordinated coup led by Riek Machar. This changes entirely the complexion of the crisis."
A spokesman for Mr Machar is reported to have rejected this.

How did we get here?

Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption South Sudan's short history has been marked by violence and poverty
Cattle in South SudanJuly 2011 - South Sudan becomes an independent country, after more than 20 years of guerrilla warfare, which claimed the lives of at least 1.5 million people and displaced more than four million.
December 2013 - Civil war breaks out after President Salva Kiir sacks the cabinet and accuses Vice-President Riek Machar of planning a coup. The war is fought broadly between the country's biggest ethnic groups - the Dinka, led by Mr Kiir, and the Nuer, under Mr Machar.
More than 2.2 million people are displaced by the fighting. Famine puts the lives of thousands at risk. Tens of thousands of people are reported killed, and Mr Machar flees the country.
News graphic showing the ethnic groups of South Sudan
Image caption There is no dominant culture in South Sudan - the Dinka and the Nuer are the largest of more than 60 ethnic groups, each with its own language and traditional beliefs, alongside Christianity and Islam
August 2015 - President Kiir signs a peace deal with rebels after a threat of sanctions from the UN.
April 2016 - Mr Machar returns to South Sudan to take up his job as first vice president in a new unity government led by President Kiir.
The move marks "the end of the war and the return of peace and stability to South Sudan", Mr Kiir says.


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